Railo 4.1 Reference
Choose a tag:


Required for cfhttp POST operations, cfhttpparam is used to specify the parameters necessary to build a cfhttp POST.


This tag can't have a body.


This tag is also supported within cfscript


The attributes for this tag are fixed. Except for the following attributes no other attributes are allowed.
Name Type Required Description
encoded boolean No Applies to type "cgi" and "url", ignored for all other types.
Specifies whether to URL encode the the values defined with the tag, but only if necessary (no double encoding). 
file string No Required for type = "File". 
mimetype string No Applies to File type; invalid for all other types. Specifies the MIME media type of the file contents. The content type can include an identifier for the character encoding of the file; for example, text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1 indicates that the file is HTML text in the ISO Latin-1 character encoding. 
name string No A variable name for the data being passed. 
type string Yes The transaction type. 
value any No Specifies the value of the URL, FormField, Cookie, File, or CGI variable being passed.